innovation entrepreneurship research

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Entrepreneurial skills and innovation climate
Academic research with a practical impact

Entrepreneurship and innovation

Entrepreneurship and innovation are inextricably interrelated. Entrepreneurially-minded individuals spot gaps in the market and fill them with innovative solutions. In this way, entrepreneurial people can be considered innovation drivers. While not all of us become entrepreneurs, we can all be entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurship is not something we are born with, but a set of competencies that we can all learn. Moreover, innovation never takes place in isolation but is always affected by internal and external factors of an ecosystem. Entrepreneurship and innovation are therefore central to our research and education activities.

Our approach

Our team cooperates with top researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam. Their research focuses on topics such as startups, scaleups, innovation ecosystems, open innovation and entrepreneurial leadership. Together with them, we translate academic knowledge into practical insights for entrepreneurship and innovation. Therefore, our research serves as a basis for economic policy and the optimalisation of trainings and education. Our research empowers organisations to master the complex synergy that unites entrepreneurship and innovation. As a result, we help them bring this to the next level.

Policy: advice and evaluation

For all governmental organisations

Together with our research partners, we offer policy advice and evaluation on entrepreneurship and innovation upon request. Here you can find a selection of our most recent projects:

Innovation and business climate

For (quasi)governmental organisations

We investigate how to optimise the innovation and business climate. For instance, in the past we conducted research on topics such as:

Teaching entrepreneurial skills

For education and training professionals

Teaching entrepreneurial skills has become more and more relevant in different educational disciplines. This set of skills is not only relevant for those who wish to start a new venture. On the contrary, it can help all types of trainees cope with modern challenges. Example projects related to this topic are:

Get in touch

Would you like to know more?

Get in touch with Leonardo Fuligni:

T: +31 (0)10 740 23 34

Leonardo Fuligni

Deputy Director