
Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship launches the European ScaleUp Monitor

4 January 2021

Download your own copy of the European ScaleUp Monitor here 

In collaboration with international partners (ifm MannheimUnknown GroupUniversity of PisaImpact Factory, and weGrow) we are proud to have launched our inaugural European ScaleUp Monitor. This report is based on a quantitative analysis of a sample of over 14 thousand fast-growing European companies and serves as the basis for a series of more in-depth editions that will follow in the coming months.  

The purpose of this monitor is to provide a platform that builds on the opportunities, challenges, best-practices, and other salient elements of the process of scaling-up within organisations and of the emergence of scaleups in various European countries as well as regional ecosystems. 

The need for a stronger European scaleup ecosystem 

We need a common plan for a much stronger, more vibrant and more connected European scaleup ecosystem, to make the European economy more resilient and to secure its competitiveness in the long-run. 

‘’While single European countries seem to be receptive of the needs of scaleups and have developed their national policy to foster their fast-growth, to varying extents, at the European level we still lack coordination in this matter’’

Martin Luxemburg, Managing Director of Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship.

Individual countries cannot compete with giants such as the United States or China, where the available resources, especially in terms of funding, are known to be more abundant than in Europe. If we want to keep our long-run competitiveness, we ought to join forces and work on our scaleup ecosystem from a European perspective too. 

“Together we have the knowledge and the resources to make the Old Continent the newest’’

– Martin Luxemburg.

The European ScaleUp Monitor brings this issue high on the agenda to create a platform where European best-practices can be shared and multiplied. 

Interested to find out more? Visit our European ScaleUp Monitor webpage for more information or directly download your own copy here! 

Questions? Get in touch with us via!   

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