EUR Careerweek

Starting: 07-05-2019 11:30 - 16:30

On Tuesday the 7th of May, it’s time for Erasmus University Rotterdam: ‘There’s more to explore’. For the first time, this network event will be hosted at ECE Campus!

The purpose of this is event is to get to know other participants, present your organisation and to research if you can help each other out.
Before the network event starts, Roos Wouters will give a lecture about the market labour of the future.

Come join this event to present your organisation in an informal setting amongst others!


Lunch + reading Roos Wouters 7 May 11:30 - 12:30
Network event 7 May 12:30 - 16:30

ECE Campus

Marconistraat 16, 11th floor
The Netherlands
afbeelding locatie