Young Lady Business Academy

Starting: 01-07-2019

Are you a woman between the age of 15 and 24 years? Then this event is for you!

During the Young Lady Business Academy of Elske Doets, you will be challenged to show your talent surrounded by inspriring role models for a whole week. A lot of women are scared to follow their dreams and passion. The Elske Doets Young Lady Business Academy proved that they can help women with this fear.

During the week you can expect presentations of topwoman and winners of the last editions of the Young Lady Business Academy and a special traineeship of three months will be given away to the winner of the week. Other prices are a Get Started-scholarship of the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, a special introductory trajectory at the Ministery of Foreign Affairs and much more.

So, are you passionate about becoming an entrepreneur, CEO and overall a power woman in a certain business industry? Please join Elske Doets her program from 1 – 5 july 2019. The permission with your school will be settled by the Academy.

More information about the speakers and how to sign up can be found in the link below. Good luck!



ECE Campus

Marconistraat 16, 11th floor
The Netherlands
afbeelding locatie