Physical beats online
Due to the coronavirus, events are being cancelled all over the world. Postponing, cancelling or continuing to organise your event is only one of the many decisions Event Managers have to think about. At our entrepreneurial campus, we are still hosting business events in a safe and responsible way, in this news item we explain to you why this is so important.
Social experiences
Joe Pine, American Author of ‘Experience Economy’, states that people are social beings that will always crave social experiences with and around fellow humans. Several studies have found that paying for an experience makes us happier than buying things. The current situation shows that people don’t give up their experiences in any way, they just shift them from public to familiar and from physical to digital. Experience designers respond with all kinds of quarantine-driven digital events, including coaching, webinars, informal concerts and more.
But no matter how appealing all digital possibilities are, nothing beats real encounters. That’s why 1.5 meter events are currently happening more and more. A meeting where, for example, you inspire relations with the latest developments or think together, brainstorm and discuss a current theme. Ultimately, we all hope that this is only a temporary solution.
Physical beats online
When it comes to knowledge transfer as the main goal, the first reaction could currently be: online. Although this may be the most appropriate option, we have learnt that the transfer of knowledge with the stimulation of all senses is way more powerful. In this time of digitization, in addition to all online activities, it is very important to physically bring your group together.
But whenever we can meet up again, it’s important to remember the power of physical gatherings. For example, the chances are high that when two of your target groups are in the same room, they will have a more personal and comprehensive conversation than they would have had during an online session. There is also a good chance that the people surrounding you during a business event encounter similar challenges, which is why events offer a great opportunity to learn from each other, exchange experiences and share knowledge. When people have another person in front of them, they are more likely to share something personal about themselves.
Altogether, business events are a great way to show your commitment. You can treat customers and employees to an engaging and meaningful environment in which they can communicate securely, exchange ideas and knowledge, and enter into new partnerships.
Of course, at the moment we should all follow the guidelines of the government and stay home as much as possible.
Wondering if we’re the right fit to host your business event in the future? Feel free to get in touch with us via or (010)7402336 for a more detailed conversation and/or to plan a (virtual) tour around our entrepreneurial campus.