On November 3, 2016, the second Zorg41 Summit takes place in Rotterdam. Why is the Zorg41 Summit so important? In...
The Rotterdam Unlocked initiative is opening up opportunities in the region for global innovators to test and scale solutions together with the local business community and government.
On the 20th of June, the LSH010 Innovation Breakfast will take place at our campus again! This innovative breakfast stimulates...
On the 12th of September, it is time for the 4th edition of the LSH010 Innovation Breakfast this year. This...
Are you a futuristic innovator that is dedicated to a better world? Then this is the event for you! After...
The second edtion of HortiHeroes Unconference will take place at our campus! To feed 9 billion people worldwide in 2050,...
Precautions taken as a result to combat corona has led to an immense impact on business in the Netherlands. Previous crises have taught us...
Precautions taken to combat corona have led to an immense impact on business. Also innovators and innovation teams are heavily affected, ranging...
During these days of global unrest the corona virus shows to be a serious challenge to our way of life....