
The O2LAB Rotterdam team meets Queen Máxima of the Netherlands to discuss entrepreneurial education

27 May 2021

On 25th May 2021, a delegation of the O2LAB Rotterdam team composed of Leonardo Fuligni (Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship), Ans Boersma (StartUp Accademy Hogeschool Rotterdam) and Martijn Priem (Hogeschool Rotterdam) had the honour of meeting Queen Máxima of the Netherlands together with Ron Boermans (Hogeschool Rotterdam) and Diederik Laman Trip (Comité Ondernemerschap). The meeting was on the occasion of a round table addressing the topic of entrepreneurial education in Dutch higher education, across all disciplines and educational levels (MBO, HBO & WO).

The meeting

The Queen was particularly curious to hear what challenges and opportunities higher education institutions in Rotterdam face when it comes to entrepreneurial education. In the meeting, particular attention was given to how they intend to achieve a higher impact through the activities and the community building of O2LAB Rotterdam. Entrepreneurial education does not only mean encouraging students to start their own company. It entails fostering their entrepreneurial thinking and a growth mindset focused on value creation. We need our younger generations to master these skills to be able to deal with the pressing societal issues of the future in innovative and creative ways.

The discussion was enriched by the precious contributions of two student entrepreneurs Yade Beeftink (Happie) and Marleen van Lubeek (Maloha), who started a company within their study programme at Hogeschool Rotterdam thanks to the support of the StartUp Academy. They both will join some of the future activities of O2LAB Rotterdam organized for students, such as Start It Up Bootcamp and Co-Lab.

Read more in the news article of The Royal House:

What is O2LAB Rotterdam?

O2LAB Rotterdam is the hub for entrepreneurial education in the city of Rotterdam powered by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZK). Its mission is to achieve impact by strengthening entrepreneurial education by creating a community of entrepreneurial higher education institutions (WO, HBO & MBO), working closely with their students and teachers, and local SMEs. O2LAB Rotterdam organizes activities such as Start It Up Bootcamps and Meet Your Co-founder events for students, Train the Trainer programs for teachers, but also innovation challenges and teaching cases with growing SMEs made in Rotterdam.

How can you join?

Higher education institutions: sign up here to become a member of the community and here to stay up to date with the project (newsletter)

Students: follow here the calendar of future activities.

SMEs: reach out to if you wish to be involved in any of the future activities or are simply curious about the project.

More information:

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