
Webinar: Innovation leadership during economic downturn

26 March 2020

Precautions taken as a result to combat corona has led to an immense impact on business in the Netherlands. Previous crises have taught us that in uncertain economic times organisations often cut back on investments and innovation (projects), but that this strategy does not always prove effective in the longer term. How do you therefore ensure that even today innovation remains (high) on the agenda within your organisation? In a webinar we will discuss how to maintain the built-up innovation power and why it is essential to show innovation leadership right now.  

In an earlier article, we already described the importance of innovation for companies in times of crisis. An important finding is that companies that deliberately innovate in times of crisis performed better in the longer term. For example, by developing radically new business models or by focusing on the execution of the core business. In the years after the crisis, not only the turnover but also the stock price of these companies recovered much faster than companies that only cut back. In the public sector too, structural innovation is essential for the survival of an organisation. In times of crisis, they are forced to adapt to all kinds of new questions from society through innovation. 

It’s easier said than done but how would you go about innovating in times of crisis? To achieve that, innovation professionals have a central role in thinking in a new way and creating a cultural change in which innovation and alteration in the organisation are central, at a time when an organisation is mainly in execution mode. In a free webinar we discuss why innovation leadership is so important during this crisis and how you keep innovation on the agenda within the organisation. We would like to invite you to participate in this webinar. 

Register for the webinar 
Programme director of the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship and innovation expert Dr Ferdinand Jaspers, together with several guest speakers, will discuss the main problems, challenges and solutions to maintain your innovative strength in your organisation during a free webinar on Friday 3 April at 10:00 (CEST). The webinar is interactive, which means that you can directly ask questions via the chat and they will be addressed during the webinar. 

Registering via the following link will enable you to follow the webinar live: 
If you cannot watch live, please register nonetheless: afterwards we will send you the link to the recorded webinar so you can watch it at a later time that’s more convenient for you.  

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